The Difference Between Solitude and Loneliness: PW Talks with Jane Alison

Photo by Mary Motley Kalergis
Photo by Mary Motley Kalergis

In Nine Island, Alison tells the story of a solitary woman living in a Miami high-rise apartment, who considers retiring from love and is obsessed with Ovid’s poems.

The narrator of your book, J, spends a lot of her time looking out the window of her high-rise, yet her apartment is covered in mirrors. Is she more interested in looking outward than looking inward?

Interesting observation. She does spend a lot of time thinking about—obsessing about—pondering issues in her inner self, so it’s a relief to cast herself outward. She is fascinated by how other people—or pelicans or iguanas—behave and almost loses her own sense of self when watching. She’s also at an age when her own bodily reflection is more irritating than anything else. But those mirrors are good for expanding the sense of space, doubling the sky. If you start feeling extreme loneliness or even depression, you may seek calgary weed delivery services to access cbd products that can help relax your mind.
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